• Language

Puriton Primary School

Puriton Primary School

Jet Class 

Welcome to Jet Class! We are the Year 5 pupils. Miss Green is our teacher  and Mrs Smallwood is our teaching assistant.

Jet Class Email Address: jet@puritonprimaryschool.org.uk 

Autumn Term 2020:

Spring Term 2021: 

Home Learning Friday 26th February 2021

Click here for today's daily plan. 

Don't forget today's check in at 9.45! :)

Click here to listen to Cosmic - Chapter 4, Part 2

See below for today's English Video. 

Please mark your work before sending it in to me! :)



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Stage 3 Assessment

Stage 3 Answers


Stage 4 Assessment

Stage 4 Answers


Stage 5 Assessment

Stage 5 Answers


Optional Extension Task Booklet

English WAGOLL


English PowerPoint from Today's Video


Science Fiction Descriptive Vocab Sheet 1


Science Fiction Descriptive Vocab Sheet 2


Expanded Noun Phrase Builder 1


Expanded Noun Phrase Builder 2 

Life Skills

Home Learning Thursday 25th February 2021

Thomas and Harry M are so inspired by our space topic that they started their own project! They are making their own rocket, aptly named The Soyuz.

Click here for today's daily plan. 

Click here to listen to Cosmic - Chapter 4, Part 1

See below for today's maths video. Feel free to watch Monday's/Tuesday's again too, if it helps!

See below for today's English Video. 

See below for yesterday's English Video about expanded noun phrases. This might help with today's learning. 


Please mark your work before sending it in to me! :)



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1 with Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Optional Extension Task Booklet

English WAGOLL


English PowerPoint from Today's Video


English PowerPoint about Expanded Noun Phrases


Science Fiction Descriptive Vocab Sheet 1


Science Fiction Descriptive Vocab Sheet 2


Expanded Noun Phrase Builder 1


Expanded Noun Phrase Builder 2 


60 Second Read Guidance


UKS2: The Space Times


LKS2: Letter from an Estate Agent

French PowerPoint (Microsoft version with sound)


French PowerPoint (PDF no sound)


French Lesson Plan


French Worksheet

Home Learning Wednesday 24th February 2021

 Take a look at the Challah bread Florence baked for this week's RE lesson!

Science Fiction Films and Books

Click here for today's daily plan.


See below for today's maths video. Feel free to watch yesterday's again too, if it helps!

See below for today's English Video. Make sure you use interesting vocabulary!

See below for DT's cam mechanism video.

Please mark your work before sending it in to me! :)



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1 with Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Optional Extension Task Booklet

English WAGOLL


English PowerPoint (used in today's video)


Science Fiction Descriptive Vocab Sheet 1


Science Fiction Descriptive Vocab Sheet 2


Expanded Noun Phrase Builder 1


Expanded Noun Phrase Builder 2



Spelling Activity (Back up if you can't use spelling shed.)


60 Second Read Guidance


UKS2: The Meteor Shower


LKS2: Friend Wanted

Be Smart E-Safety Poster


Cam Mechanism Template


Cam Mechanism Labelled Answers


Cam Mechanism PowerPoint


Home Learning Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Here is a link to the rover landing we spoke about during yesterday's check in: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/56122698

Science Fiction Films and Books

Click here for today's daily plan.

Morning all! I forgot to change the word of the day on today's daily plan! Whoops!

Today's WOTD: verdant - adjective

See above for today's maths video. Feel free to watch yesterday's again too, if it helps!

Please mark your work before sending it in to me! :)



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1


Task 1 Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Optional Extension Task Booklet

English WAGOLL


English PowerPoint (used in yesterday's video)


Story Mountain Planner


Story Mountain Planner Answers


 Year 5 and 6 Spelling List 


Year 3 and 4 Spelling List 


60 Second Read Guidance


UKS2: 9 Facts about Planet 9


LKS2: Diary of a Voyager

Responsibility Sorting Activity


Responsibility Poster


Forces Help Sheet

Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021

Morning all!

I hope you have all had a lovely half term and are recharged and excited to start our next term! Make sure you are ready to share some of the things you got up to last week. I know lots of you had some fun lockdown activities planned and I would love to hear all about them later on today!

Hopefully soon, we will all be able to return to the classroom but until then, keep up your hard work with home learning! I will see you all at 1.15 today for our Teams call! :)

Have a marvellous day!

Miss G :)

Click here for today's daily plan.

See below for today's maths video.

See below for today's English video.

Please mark your work before sending it in to me! :)



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart



Task 1 with Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Optional Extension Task Booklet

English WAGOLL (blank and answers)


English PowerPoint (used in video)


Spelling Help PowerPoint 


Spelling Activity (with Answers)

 Choose the 1, 2 or 3 stars challenge.


60 Second Read Guidance


UKS2: My Journey into Space Comprehension


LKS2: The Star Cruiser 2.0 Comprehension

Jumps, Leaps and Turns


Gymnastics Challenge


Cross-Curricular Gymnastics Ideas


Shabbat PowerPoint


Shabbat Activity Sheet


Challah Recipe

Home Learning Week 6

Home Learning Thursday 11th February 2021

Click here for today's daily plan.

Please mark your work before sending it in to me! :)

Click here to read a letter from me.



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Mystery of the Missing Shortbread Sugar


Multiplication Cluedo Style Murder Mystery PowerPoint (answers at the bottom)


Multiplication Cluedo Style Murder Mystery Key


Mystery of the Stolen Teddy


  UKS2 Mystery of the Stolen Space Suit


LKS2 Who stole the emojis?


Stage 5: The Listeners Comprehension


Stage 4: Inventions that Change to World Comprehension


Stage 3: Lost and Alone Comprehension


Stage 2: The Space Race Comprehension


Home Learning Wednesday 10th February 2021

Take a look at some more of our fantastic artwork!

Jacob's Space Collage:


Click here to see Harry and Thomas M's Space Collages:


Click here for today's daily plan.

Please mark your work before sending it in to me! :)

Click here to listen to chapter 3 of Cosmic.

Here are my maths videos explaining long multiplication (2x4 digits).



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1


Task 1 Answers


Task 2 with Answers


Task 3 with Answers


Optional Extension Task


Long Multiplication Step by Step Instructions

Common Homophones Word Mat


 Homophones Spelling Activity


KS1 Spelling Activity


Stage 5: The Listeners Comprehension


Stage 4: Inventions that Change to World Comprehension


Stage 3: Lost and Alone Comprehension


Stage 2: The Space Race Comprehension

PE Websites and Ideas 


Kosher Word Search


Kosher PowerPoint

Home Learning Tuesday 9th February 2021

Click here for today's daily plan.

Please mark your work before sending it in to me! :)

Click here to listen to chapter 2 of Cosmic.

Here are my maths videos explaining long multiplication (2x4 digits).



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task with Answers


Optional Extension Task


Long Multiplication Step by Step Instructions

Common Homophones Word Mat


Stage 5: Famous Sci-fi Authors Comprehension


Stage 4: Famous Landmarks



Stage 3: Delivery Bot Comprehension


Stage 2: Friends Forever Comprehension

PE Websites and Ideas 


E-Safety Competition


Competition Template


Click here for the ICT assembly video. 

Home Learning Monday 8th February 2021

Morning all!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Only 4 more days of home learning to go!

Don't forget our check in today at 1.15!

Click here for today's daily plan.

Please mark your work before sending it in to me! :)

Here are my maths videos explaining long multiplication (2x3 digits).



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1


Task 1 Answers


Task 2 with Answers


Long Multiplication Step by Step Instructions

Mary Seacole Text


KS1 Spelling Activity


Common Homophones Word Mat


Stage 5: Famous Sci-fi Authors Comprehension


Stage 4: Famous Landmarks



Stage 3: Delivery Bot Comprehension


Stage 2: Friends Forever Comprehension

PE Websites and Ideas 


Pentathlon Activity Part 1


Pentathlon Activity Part 2

Home Learning Week 5

Home Learning Friday 5th February 2021

Morning all!

Don't forget to send your aspiration photos/pictures to Miss Williams this week!

Don't forget our check in today at 9.45! Don't forget to wear a hat!

Click here for today's daily plan.

Please mark your work before sending it in to me! :)

Here are my maths videos explaining long multiplication (2x3 digits).



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1 with Answers


Task 2 with Answers


Long Multiplication Step by Step Instructions

English Mystery Game (Only do this if you have completed the main task.)


Apostrophe Mini Test


KS1 Spelling Activity


PE Websites and Ideas 


Life Skills

Home Learning Thursday 4th February 2021

Take a look below at some fantastic art projects from Oliver G, Finley W and Zack! You have all done a tremendous job!

Oliver G

Oliver G has a song to accompany his artwork: https://youtu.be/DTd5j6S337s

Image preview

Finley W


Image preview

Yesterday, I recorded myself reading chapter 1 of our class book, Cosmic. As it has been a long time since we read it, I have gone back to the beginning of the book, so that we can have a fresh start! Then, when we return, we can continue from where we left off! If you fancy listening, please do! :)

Click here for today's daily plan.

Here is the English editing video for today (same as yesterday). Apologies for fumbling my words from time to time! 

Here are my maths videos explaining long multiplication (2x3 digits).



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1 with Answers


Task 2 with Answers


Task 3 with Answers


Long Multiplication Step by Step Instructions

Mary Seacole Labelled Biography WAGOLL


Features of a Biography Poster 


 Year 5 and 6 Spelling List 


Year 3 and 4 Spelling List 


Year 1 and 2 Spelling List 


Stage 5: Transformation Comprehension


Stage 4: Icarus Comprehension


Stage 3: Abandoned Comprehension


Stage 2: The First Sunrise Comprehension

PE Websites and Ideas 


French 04.02.21

Home Learning Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Click here for today's daily plan.

Here is the English video for today. Apologies for fumbling my words from time to time! 

Here are my maths videos explaining long multiplications(2x3 digits).




Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1


Task 1 Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Long Multiplication Step by Step Instructions

Tim Peake Biography - Copy for Children to Edit


Tim Peake Biography - Answers


Mary Seacole Labelled Biography WAGOLL


Features of a Biography Poster 


KS1 Spelling Activity


Apostrophe Spelling Activity


Stage 5: Transformation Comprehension


Stage 4: Icarus Comprehension


Stage 3: Abandoned Comprehension


Stage 2: The First Sunrise Comprehension

PE Noughts and Crosses


Home Learning Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Morning all!

Don't forget to send your aspiration photos/pictures to Miss Williams this week! :)

Click here for today's daily plan.

Here are my maths videos explaining long multiplications (2 digits).



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1


Task 1 Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Optional Extension Task


Long Multiplication Step by Step Instructions

Fronted Adverbial Help Sheet

Fronted Adverbial Activities


 Year 5 and 6 Spelling List 


Year 3 and 4 Spelling List 


Year 1 and 2 Spelling List 


Stage 5: The Moon Comprehension


Stage 4: Television Comprehension


Stage 3: Captain Apparatus Comprehension


Stage 2: What is the Quran? Comprehension 

PE Websites and Ideas 


Collage Examples


Science PowerPoint 1


Science PowerPoint 2


Time Zone Example and Template

Home Learning Monday 1st February 2021

Happy Birthday - 10 Years Old Animated Card — Download on Funimada.com

Hip Hip Hooray! We have lots of birthdays today!

A massive happy birthday to our lovely Becky and wonderful twins, Harry and Thomas M! Becky celebrated turning 10 on Sunday, while Harry and Thomas turn double digits today!

Becky, I hope you had a wonderful birthday weekend and boys, I hope you have a fantastic day today!

Happy Monday!

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a splendid weekend. Only 9 more days of home learning until half term! Don't forget next Friday is an INSET DAY so no school or work for ALL children!

On Friday, a letter was sent out to all parents from the office about the Aspiration Challenge we are doing! We will talk about this during today's check in at 1.15pm. 

I look forward to seeing you all later! Keep up the hard work everyone!

Take care,

Miss G :) 

Click here for today's daily plan.

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me! 

Here is the English video for today (same as yesterday). Apologies for fumbling my words from time to time! 

Here are my maths videos explaining long multiplications (2 digits).



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1 with answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Long Multiplication Step by Step Instructions

Accompanying Word Document from Today's Video

(with today's task)


Mary Seacole Labelled Biography WAGOLL


Features of a Biography Poster 


Tim Peake Fact File


Apostrophe Spelling Help Sheet 1


Apostrophe Spelling Help Sheet 2


KS1 Spelling Activity


Stage 5: The Moon Comprehension


Stage 4: Television Comprehension


Stage 3: Captain Apparatus Comprehension


Stage 2: What is the Quran? Comprehension 

Pick and Mix PE Sheet 

Home Learning Week 4

Home Learning Friday 29th January 2021

Congratulations everyone! We made it to the end of another successful week of home-learning! I am really looking forward to seeing you all today at 9.45am for our Teams call! Remember to try and keep your cameras on and microphones off when you enter the call. :)

Have a superb day and a wonderful weekend!

Miss G :)

Take a look at Thomas H's mouth-watering mint chocolate cake! Perhaps it will inspire some more of you to spend time in the kitchen this afternoon!

Ready, steady, BAKE!

Click here for today's daily plan.

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me! 

Here is the English video for today (same as yesterday). Apologies for fumbling my words from time to time! 

Here is my maths video explaining grid method: 1 digit number x 2 digit number.

Here is my maths video explaining grid method: 2 digit number x 2 digit number.



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart 


Task 1 (with answers) - complete at least the first 2 pages.


Alternative Task 2 (with answers) - complete at least the first 2 pages.


Blank Grids for Optional Extension Task

Accompanying Word Document from Today's Video

(with today's task)


Mary Seacole Labelled Biography WAGOLL


Features of a Biography Poster 


Tim Peake Fact File


Apostrophe Game


Apostrophe Activity


KS1 Spelling Activity

Life Skills

Home Learning Thursday 28th January 2021

Take a look at Megan's artwork! She has use a great variety of textures to present her interpretation of space!

Click here for today's daily plan.

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me! 

Here is the English video for today. Apologies for fumbling my words from time to time! 

Here are 2 videos explaining how to make and use the paper fortune activity, if you choose this option!

Here is the maths video . It shows examples of short multiplication. Feel free to watch the whole video, or if you like, you can pause it when it goes into decimals, as we will be doing this at another time!



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


 Dart game


Maths Paper Fortune (Multiplication Template)


Maths Paper Fortune (Instructions and Blank Template)


Space Fishing Game


Space Dots and Boxes 


Space Walk


Code Breaker

Accompanying Word Document from Today's Video

(with today's task)


Mary Seacole Labelled Biography WAGOLL


Features of a Biography Poster 


Tim Peake Fact File


Year 5 and 6 Spelling List 


Year 3 and 4 Spelling List 


Year 1 and 2 Spelling List 

French 28.01.21


Moon Diary


Phases of the Moon Labelling Activity 


Phases of the Moon PowerPoint

Home Learning Wednesday 27th January 2021

Can we all just take a minute to look at the bundle of fluff that Eliza brought home yesterday? His name is Monty and I think we can all agree, he is adorable!


What's more, look at Evie's PHENOMENAL space collage based on a Nebula. I have included the original picture that Evie used for inspiration! She really is a STAR!


Click here for today's daily plan.

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me! 

Here is the maths video . It shows examples of short multiplication. Feel free to watch the whole video, or if you like, you can pause it when it goes into decimals, as we will be doing this at another time! I have saved some more links on the class page to help you!



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1 - Dart Game


Task 1 - Multiplication Code Breaker


Alternative Task 2


Optional Extension  Football Shoot Out Game

Apostrophe Spelling Help Sheet 1


Apostrophe Spelling Help Sheet 2


Apostrophe Help PowerPoint


Singular or Plural? Possessive Apostrophe Activity


 Tim Peake Parenthesis


KS1 Spelling Activity


Picture Comprehension

Lockdown PE Timetable


Diamond 9


Home Learning Tuesday 26th January

Click here for today's daily plan.

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me! 

Here are the English videos for today. Apologies for fumbling my words from time to time! Watch them in the order they appear on the screen.


Here is the maths video . It shows examples of short multiplication. Feel free to watch the whole video, or if you like, you can pause it when it goes into decimals, as we will be doing this at another time! I have saved some more links on the class page to help you!



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1 with Answers


Optional Extension Task with Answers

Accompanying Word Document from Today's Video

(with today's task)


 Mary Seacole Labelled Biography WAGOLL


Features of a Biography Poster 


Tim Peake Fact File


Year 5 and 6 Spelling List 


Year 3 and 4 Spelling List 


Year 1 and 2 Spelling List 


Stage 5: Mars Achieved Comprehension


Stage 4: Photography Comprehension


Stage 3: Letter from a Roman Comprehension


Stage 2: The Magic Mirror Comprehension

PE Websites and Ideas 


Collage Examples


Home Learning Monday 25th January 2021

Happy Birthday - 10 Years Old Animated Card — Download on Funimada.com

Hip Hip Hooray! It's Finley W's birthday!

A massive happy birthday to our fantastic Finley W, who is 10 today!  Double digits!

Wishing you a wonderful birthday Finley! 

Click here for today's daily plan.

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me! 

Here is the English video for today. Apologies for fumbling my words from time to time!

Here is the maths video for today and tomorrow. It shows examples of short multiplication. Feel free to watch the whole video, or if you like, you can pause it when it goes into decimals, as we will be doing this at another time! I have saved some more links on the class page to help you!



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1 with Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Optional Extension Task with Answers

Apostrophe Spelling Help Sheet 1


Apostrophe Spelling Help Sheet 2


KS1 Spelling Activity


English Biography WAGOLL (Blank)


English Biography WAGOLL (Answers)


English Biography Helpful Vocabulary


English PowerPoint (used in video)


Stage 5: Mars Achieved Comprehension


Stage 4: Photography Comprehension


Stage 3: Letter from a Roman Comprehension


Stage 2: The Magic Mirror Comprehension

PE Websites and Ideas 


Netball Training Activities 


Netball Alphabet Workout

Home Learning Week 3

Home Learning Friday 22nd January 2021

Hello everyone!

We have made it to the end of another wonderful week of home learning! We are now half way through the term with another three weeks to go!

You are all doing a truly phenomenal job with the home learning! I have seen so many pieces of fantastic work and so many of you are putting a tremendous effort into your learning. I am particularly impressed with a few of you, who are opting to complete more than one of the learning options in each subject! How fantastic!

Take care and have a lovely Friday!

Miss G :)

Don't forget our Teams call today at 9.45! :)

This afternoon, you have some time to practise a skill/hobby/activity of your choice! Last week, Evie decided to practise her baking! What a fantastic skill! Her cinnamon rolls look scrumptious!


Eliza decided to have a go at tie-dying her own t-shirt! How creative!

Click here for today's daily plan.

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me! 

Today, you have a maths assessment to complete. Please send me a picture/email with your scores! :)



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Stage 5 Assessment


Stage 5 Answers


Stage 4 Assessment


Stage 4 Answers


Stage 3 Assessment 


Stage 3 Answers 

Year 1 - 6 Grammar Help Sheets 


Punctuation Help Sheets


English Task 1


English Alternative Task 2

English Optional Extension Task


'ough' Spelling PowerPoint


'ough' Spelling Help Sheet


Spelling Activity


Stage 5: The Depths Comprehension


Stage 4: The First Arrivals Comprehension


Stage 3: The Picts Comprehension


Stage 2: The Good Samaritan Comprehension

PE Websites and Ideas 

Home Learning Thursday 21st January 2021

Just to let you know, I am having issues uploading my maths video! I will try again to upload from school in the morning but it seems the video is too large to upload! There are more links on the daily plan to help you in the meantime!

Morning all!

I have some fantastic work to share with you this morning!

Click here to see Oliver G's PowerPoint about Tim Peake. (Click here for PDF Version)

Click here to see Finley W's PowerPoint about Tim Peake. (Click here for PDF Version)

Take a look at Oliver W's superb elephant poem:

Click here to have a go at Evie's spelling word search.

Click here to try Florence's word search about Tim Peake.

Click here for today's daily plan.

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me! 



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1


Task 1 Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Optional Extension Task with Answers



Year 1 - 6 Grammar Help Sheets 


Punctuation Help Sheets


English Task 1 (UKS2)


English Task 2 (LKS2)


English Task 3 (KS1)


Year 5 and 6 Spelling List 


Year 3 and 4 Spelling List 


Year 1 and 2 Spelling List 


Stage 5: The Depths Comprehension


Stage 4: The First Arrivals Comprehension


Stage 3: The Picts Comprehension


Stage 2: The Good Samaritan Comprehension

PE Websites and Ideas 


French 21.01.21


French PowerPoint


French PowerPoint (PDF)




Home Learning Wednesday 20th January 2021

Morning all!

I hope you are all well and staying safe! I am missing you all massively and can't wait to see you on our Friday call!

I know that things are tricky for us all at the moment but please remember that you just need to try your best with the home learning every day! I can't ask for more than that!

Take care and see you soon,

Miss G :)

Click here for today's daily plan.

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me! 



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1


Task 1 Answers


Task 2 with Answers


Task 3


Task 3 Answers

KS1 Spelling Task


Main Spelling Activity


Subordinate Conjunction Poster


Clauses Quiz


Subordinate Clause Jigsaw 1


Subordinate Clause Jigsaw 2


Subordinate Clause Helpful PowerPoint


PE Websites and Ideas 


Netball Training Activities 


Netball Alphabet Workout

Home Learning Tuesday 19th January 2021

Click here to take a look at Oliver G's finished space suit! It is truly outstanding!!

Click here for today's daily plan.

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me! 



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1


Task 1 Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Optional Extension Task with Answers

2-Week English Learning Plan 


 Elephant Information Sheet


Glossary of Poetic Terms 


Year 5 and 6 Spelling List 


Year 3 and 4 Spelling List 


Year 1 and 2 Spelling List 


Stage 5: Orbiting the Sun Comprehension


Stage 4: Battle of Hastings Comprehension


Stage 3: Did you know? Comprehension


Stage 2: The Boastful Turtle Comprehension


PE Websites and Ideas


Tim Peake Help Sheet 1


Tim Peake Help Sheet 2

Home Learning Monday 18th January 2021

Happy Birthday - 10 Years Old Animated Card — Download on Funimada.com

Hip Hip Hooray! It was Eliza and Harry P's birthday!

Over the weekend both Eliza and Harry P celebrated their tenth birthdays! How exciting!

I hope you both had a wonderful day!


Good morning you wonderful bunch!!!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another day's learning. I am very much looking forward to seeing your fantastic work this week.

Just to let you know, Mrs Smallwood and I will be returning to school today with some of the key worker children, so if I don't respond to your emails straight away, please know, I'm not ignoring you and will get back to you as soon as possible!


Hopefully, you will remember that I set you a DT task a while ago to design a spacesuit. Oliver G has taken his work a step further and decided to make it! I can't wait to see the end product! He has also created a fantastic word search with the year 5 and 6 spellings! Perhaps you could have a go when you practise your spellings today!

Image preview Image preview

Click here for today's daily plan.

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me! 



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1


Task 1 Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Optional Extension Task with Answers

2-Week English Learning Plan 


 Elephant Information Sheet


Glossary of Poetic Terms 


KS1 Spelling Activity


'ough' Spelling PowerPoint


'ough' Spelling Help Sheet



Stage 5: Orbiting the Sun Comprehension


Stage 4: Battle of Hastings Comprehension


Stage 3: Did you know? Comprehension


Stage 2: The Boastful Turtle Comprehension


PE Websites and Ideas 


Netball Training Activities 


Netball Alphabet Workout

Home Learning Week 2

Home Learning Friday 15th January 2021

Hooray!!! We have made it to the end of our 2nd week of home learning! So many of you have done such a tremendous job this week. You really are doing me proud Jet Class!

This afternoon, you have some time to practise a skill or hobby (explained on the daily plan). This could be something that you have tried before and want to perfect or something brand new! Jacob has been watching drawing tutorials in his spare time - what a great skill to practise!

Be sure to let me know what you get up to in your email today! 

Have a great day of home learning and a lovely weekend everyone!


Click here for today's daily plan.

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me! 



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1


Task 1 Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Optional Extension Task with Answers

2-Week English Learning Plan 


 Elephant Information Sheet


Glossary of Poetic Terms 


Spelling PowerPoint


Spelling Help Sheet


Spelling Activity  


Picture Comprehension



Home Learning Thursday 14th January 2021

Lexi has also done a fab job this week; she has been practising her ICT skills on PowerPoint!

Click this link to take a look at Lexi's PowerPoint (PDF)

Click this link to take a look at Lexi's PowerPoint (Microsoft version)

I know some people were experiencing issues viewing Becky's poster yesterday, so I have tried to save it under a different format! Fingers crossed it works!

Click here to see Becky's elephant poster

Click here for today's daily plan.

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me! 



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Division Chart


Place Value Chart


Task 1


Task 1 Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Optional Extension Task with Answers

2-Week English Learning Plan 


 Elephant Information Sheet


Glossary of Poetic Terms 


Year 5 and 6 Spelling List 


Year 3 and 4 Spelling List 


Year 1 and 2 Spelling List 


Stage 5: Lucy Gray Comprehension


Stage 4: Gold Rush Comprehension


Stage 3: The Salmon of Knowledge Comprehension


Stage 2: Katherine Johnson Comprehension 

PE Websites and Ideas 


Netball Tasks


French 14.01.21


French PowerPoint (PDF)


French PowerPoint (Microsoft Version)


Home Learning Wednesday 13th January 2021

It was absolutely fantastic to hear that Harry M and Thomas M had a zoom call with Laura Gallagher, an athlete who will be competing in the Tokyo Olympics 2021!

Take a look at this link if you want to learn a little more about her: https://www.british-gymnastics.org/gymnast-profiles/166845/laura-gallagher?event=/gymnast-profiles

DELAY: Bridgwater gymnast Laura Gallagher. Pic: British Gymnastics

Do let me know if you get up to anything interesting over lockdown! I love to hear about the wonderful things you are getting up to!

Take a look at Mia, Thomas H and Megan's documentaries about elephants! They certainly made me smile!


Mason, Finley W and Becky have also been practising their ICT skills:

Click this link to take a look at Mason's PowerPoint.

Click this link to take a look at Finley W's PowerPoint.

Take a look at the poster Becky made using Microsoft Publisher.

Image preview

Click here for today's daily plan.



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Place Value Chart


Task 1


Task 1 Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers


Optional Extension Task with Answers

2-Week English Learning Plan 


 Elephant Information Sheet


Glossary of Poetic Terms 


Spelling PowerPoint


Spelling Help Sheet


Spelling Activity


KS1 Spelling Activity


Stage 5: Lucy Gray Comprehension


Stage 4: Gold Rush Comprehension


Stage 3: The Salmon of Knowledge Comprehension


Stage 2: Katherine Johnson Comprehension 

PE Websites and Ideas 


Netball Tasks


Collage Examples

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me!

Home Learning Tuesday 12th January 2021

Happy Birthday - 10 Years Old Animated Card — Download on Funimada.com

Hip Hip Hooray! It's Daisy's birthday!

Happy birthday to our wonderful Daisy-Mai, who is 10 today!

We are all wishing you the very best of birthdays Daisy!

Take a look at Mia's plea to save the elephants and the cover of her scratch game!

Great job Mia!



Click here for today's daily plan.



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Cube Numbers Help Sheet


Task 1 with Answers


Task 2


Task 2 Answers


Task 3


Task 3 Answers

2-Week English Learning Plan 


 Elephant Information Sheet


Glossary of Poetic Terms 


Stage 5 Adrift Comprehension


Stage 4 Battle of Agincourt Comprehension


Stage 3 Robot Butler Comprehension


Stage 2 Holy Books Comprehension


When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me!

Home Learning Monday 11th January 2021

Morning all!

I hope you had a relaxing weekend and are ready for another fantastic week of home learning! Don't forget our check in today at 1.15pm!

Can't wait to see you there!

Miss G :)

Take a look at Thomas H's fantastic read of the elephants poem from last week! Super expression and clarity Thomas!

Click here for today's daily plan.



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Square Numbers Help Sheet


Task 1


Task 1 Answers


Alternative Task 2 with Answers 


Optional Square Number Extension

2-Week English Learning Plan 


 Elephant Information Sheet


Glossary of Poetic Terms 


Spelling PowerPoint


Spelling Help Sheet


Spelling Activity (Choose the level that feels best for you)


Stage 5 Adrift Comprehension


Stage 4 Battle of Agincourt Comprehension


Stage 3 Robot Butler Comprehension


Stage 2 Holy Books Comprehension

PE Websites and Ideas 


Netball Tasks


Scratch Coding Example


If you choose option 1, here is the link to Scratch online,: https://scratch.mit.edu/

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me!

Home Learning Week 1

Home Learning Friday 8th January 2021

Happy Birthday - 10 Years Old Animated Card — Download on Funimada.com

Hip Hip Hooray! It's Finley's birthday!

A massive happy birthday to our lovely Finley C! Double digits today! Have a fantastic day Finley and enjoy your birthday weekend!

Good morning everyone!

Congratulations on making it through our first week of home learning! Only 5 more Mondays to go!

Yet again, you have all done a phenomenal job this past week and are off to a flying start with home learning! Let's keep up that energy and motivation next week too!

As per usual, you are all doing me proud! Great work guys!

Now sit back, relax and enjoy your weekend! Don't forget to say a great big thank you to the adults at home, who are helping to support your learning too. :) 

Take care,

Miss G :)

PS. Be sure to look at who has been awarded certificates this week!

I thought I would show you a picture of Roxie's work space! In class, we like to display lots of resources and some of your fantastic pieces of work to encourage and support your learning! Roxie and her mum have decided to do the same thing by creating a motivational learning station, which is brilliant! Remember to ask for parent's permission before sticking things to your walls though!

Click here for today's daily plan.



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Task 1 Number Grid 


Task 1 Number Grid Answers 


Alternative Task 2 with Answers 


Optional Prime Numbers Extension

2-Week English Learning Plan 


 Elephant Information Sheet


Glossary of Poetic Terms 


Year 5 and 6 Spelling List 


Year 3 and 4 Spelling List 


Year 1 and 2 Spelling List 


Picture Comprehension 

PE Websites and Ideas 


French 8.1.21


French PowerPoint (PDF)


French PowerPoint (PP Version)

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me!

Home Learning Thursday 7th January 2021

Morning all!

I hope you are all well and enjoyed yesterday's home learning! I am glad to hear so many of you are very excited about our space topic! Thank you to all of you who emailed yesterday, all gems will be added to your gem chart at the end of the week!Take care and have a fab day,Miss G :)

A big well done to Jacob, who is making the most of lockdown and having a go at the Couch to 5K challenge! A great way to stay fit and healthy during lockdown! Take a look at this link if you want to give it a try: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/couch-to-5k-week-by-week/

Take a look at Daisy and Evie's performances of yesterday's English poem. They both read with excellent rhythm and expression!

Evie has also been practising her timestables! She has cracked 3 in one day! Her 6s, 7s and 8s! Great job Evie!


Click here for today's daily plan.



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart 


Task 1: Factor Venn Diagrams 


Alternative Task 2: Common Factors Worksheet 


Optional Common Factors Extension

2-Week English Learning Plan  


Elephant Information Sheet 


Glossary of Poetic Terms 


Year 5 and 6 Spelling List 


Year 3 and 4 Spelling List 


Year 1 and 2 Spelling List 


Stage 5:Dragon Roars into Space Comprehension 


Stage 4:Battle Infographic Comprehension 


Stage 3:The Chase Comprehension


 Stage 2:Facts about the Moon Comprehension 

PE Websites and Ideas

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me!

Home Learning Wednesday 6th January 2021

Happy Birthday - 10 Years Old Animated Card — Download on Funimada.com

Hip Hip Hooray! It's Max's birthday!

A great big happy birthday to our one and only Max, who has turned 10 today! Double digits! We are all wishing you a very happy birthday! 

Enjoy your day!

Morning all!

I hope you all got on okay yesterday and are looking forward to another day of home learning. I am sure lots of you have very mixed emotions about not coming to school at the moment and that's okay. It's definitely a very strange time for us all, so I am going to do all I can to try and make sure your learning is as normal as possible. 

This time round, I will be in class with some of the key worker children, which means I might not be able to reply to all emails straight away but as always, I will respond as soon as possible. We will keep gems going again during home learning.

At the end of each week, I will ask the children in school to put all gems on our gem chart in the classroom, so that we can count them.Please make sure you are emailing me at the end of each day, in 1 email with all work completed. If I provide answer sheets, please make sure you mark work before sending it in. 

Most work should be completed or stuck into your homework books, make sure you don't throw any learning away! I will need it all back in when we return to school. If and when you run out of room in your books, ping me an email and I will leave another one at the office for you to collect.

Like last time, I will put up some different options for different lessons. Your parents may need to guide you on which activities to complete but if your parents aren't sure what tasks you should complete, ask them to email me.

Unfortunately, I haven't yet managed to make a daily video, as a spent a very long time battling technology to create the maths video (you all know computers aren't my strong suit) but I will endeavour to do this later in the week!

I think that is all for now, so I look forward to hearing from you all later today!Have a wonderful day everyone!
Miss G :)

Click here for today's daily plan.



Foundation Subjects

Timestable Chart Factors


Task 1 (try this first) Factors


Task 2 (try this if you struggle with task 1) 


Optional Factors Extension

2-Week English Learning Plan 


Year 5 and 6 Spelling List 


Year 3 and 4 Spelling List 


Year 1 and 2 Spelling List 


Stage 5:Dragon Roars into Space Comprehension 


Stage 4:Battle Infographic Comprehension 


Stage 3:The Chase Comprehension 


Stage 2:Facts about the Moon Comprehension 

PE Websites and Ideas 

When answer sheets are provided, please mark your work before sending it in to me!

Home Learning Tuesday 5th January 2021

Good morning all!

As I am sure you are all already aware, the decision made last night to close schools was a very last minute announcement, which has left us all very little time to prepare! Below, you will find my 24hr pack. The pack includes: maths, spelling, reading and writing activities that recap the children's earlier learning.

Each subject has different levels of work, you may need to assist your child to help them select the right stage in each subject (stage 5 is work that recaps year 5 objectives). They may find that in one subject they are stage 3 and another they are stage 5, this is absolutely fine!Please do keep an eye on your emails, as I am not yet sure how the next few days will pan out but I will keep you in the loop.

Take care,

Miss G :)


Stage 5 Statistics Workbook

Stage 4 Multiplication Workbook

Stage 3 Multiplication Workbook


Stage 5 SPaG Mat

Stage 4 SPaG Mat

Stage 3 SPaG Mat

Stage 2 SPaG Mat


UKS2 Fix the Spellings

LKS2 Fix the Spellings

KS1 Fix the Spellings


Stage 5 Comprehension

Stage 4 Comprehension

Stage 3 Comprehension

Stage 2 Comprehension

Help Sheets 

Click here for a scratch help sheet.

Click here for years 1-6 punctuation and grammar help sheets.

Click here to take a look at the website that shows you trailers for books!

Time: Below, I have listed some links and resources that may help support the children's understanding of time. Many of the children in Jet class have struggled with telling, adding and subtracting time. Please do use these resources at home to support their learning, as the children need to know how to tell and convert time using both analogue, digital, 12 and 24hrs clocks.

Autumn Term 2020

W/C  7/12/20

This week in Jet Class, we wrote and edited our myths and legends, based on the story of the Egyptian gods, Osiris and Set and the goddess, Isis. In maths, we began looking at area. We found out how to calculate the area of a rectangle and learned how this knowledge could help us work out the area of compound shapes.

In whole class reading, we started a new text: a letter sent to 'my one true love' and it was based on the 12 days of Christmas song. We found it very funny as the author was extremely angry to have been sent so many birds from his one true love!

In science, we continued our animal investigation. We recapped our home learning about animal classifications and then discussed the life cycle of a mammal. Many of us could relate this to pets we have at home!


W/C 30/11/20

We were all so excited to return to school this Thursday, after our 2 week isolation! We were so happy to see each other again and Miss Green was very impressed with how quickly we settled back into our learning!Over the last two days, we planned and wrote our own stories based on the Dreamgiver animation we watched during home learning. We all enjoyed coming up with our own dreams and character descriptions to include in our stories.

In maths, we finished our statistics topic, ready to move on to area next week.We also started our new DEAR time book, Cosmic,  by Frank Cottrell-Boyce. So far, we know the main character, Liam, is stuck in space, after telling his parents he was on a school trip at the Lake District! We cannot wait to find out more!


W/C 16/11/20

Well, it has certainly been a strange week in Jet class. At the beginning of the week, we had a fantastic PE lesson! We used our knowledge of defending and attacking to improve our basketball skills by marking our opponents and thinking of ways to work within a team. As it is anti-bullying week, we watched a brilliant assembly, all about odd socks day! We then started to create our own songs about the power of kindness, which we will continue at home.

On Thursday, we found out that we would be self-isolating. So far, the people affected by Covid-19 in our school are feeling fine and coping well but Jet class want to wish those people a speedy recovery. Miss Green said she will miss us all, while we are self isolating but she looks forward to seeing the learning we complete at home and the best thing is, she can mark it in her slippers!

Here is a link to the anti-bullying assembly that the children really enjoyed! Some of them wanted to watch it again!Anti-Bullying Assembly Here is the link to the Hanson Box Competition we discussed in class: https://hansonbox.org/competition-essay/I have written the key information below:


W/C 9/11/20

This week in Jet class, we have been putting our line graph knowledge to the test by creating our own Egyptian themed line graphs. We used the Met Office website to create a table showing the monthly average temperature throughout 1 year in Cairo and in Somerset. We then plotted these results on a line graph that we created ourselves and came up with our own statistics questions about the data.

To celebrate maths week, we have been learning maths through games. We played some of our own place value games that we made earlier in the year, then played battleships to test our coordinates knowledge and some of us played a timestable board game. Speaking of timestables, Miss Green has was so proud of our effort in the TT Rockstars competition. We were all rocking with our timestables at the beginning of the week. Hopefully, this will continue until Saturday, when the competition ends. Although Miss Green was very impressed with our enthusiasm, she did need to remind us that we must still play sensibly, as it isn't good for our eyes to be looking at a screen all day!

Unfortunately, our workshop that was booked for Tuesday had to be cancelled this week. To make up for it, We had a day of art and ICT! We drew our Anubis sketches and used our shading scales to colour them in. In ICT, we continued our quest to create an Egyptian racing game. Miss Green has encouraged us to practise our Scratch skills at home too!


W/C 2/11/20

After a lovely half term, Jet Class were really excited to get back to school! We have had a very busy first week back with lots of new learning! In maths, we have moved on to statistics, which we are really enjoying. Throughout the week, we have been interpreting data from pictograms, tables, bar charts and line graphs. This will help to inform our Egyptian themed line graphs next week.In English, we have moved on to Myths and Legends, which certainly captured our interest. We discussed the different myths, legends and fantastical beasts we already know. Then, we looked at different myths and legends from around the world. We all loved this lesson and cannot wait to find out more!

A message from Miss Green:

This week, the children created their own Scratch accounts (usernames and passwords should be in their home-school diaries) if they would like to, these accounts can be used at home for the children to practise and experiment with Scratch! The link is below:


Our topic homework link: Egyptian Homework

Thanks and have a lovely weekend! :)


W/C 19/10/20

In Jet class, our final week of term was a very busy one! At the beginning of the week, we finished our own diary entries, written in the perspective of Howard Carter. We practised our dictionary and thesaurus work, whilst editing and wrote them up neatly, in the hope that some of us will be earning a pen licence. We all loved making paper fortunes in history this week!

On Thursday afternoon, we discussed the roles people played in Ancient Egyptian society, from slaves to pharaohs. We then chose some of the roles to put on our paper fortunes and played them to see what roles we would be! On Friday afternoon, we celebrated the first half term with a gem party! We elected to watch a film and Miss Green brought in some cookies too! 


W/C 12/10/20

It has been a very busy week for us in Jet Class. In maths, we have been revising and assessing our knowledge of addition and subtraction - ready to sink our teeth into some investigations, reasoning and problem solving next week. In English, we have continued to plan our diary entries in the perspective of Howard Carter, during his discovery of Tutankhamun.

We all loved our music lesson this week too! We learned the sign language to Bon Jovi's 'Livin' on a Prayer'. It was very fast but we look forward to learning more next week!

I just wanted to say how lovely it was meeting with you all on teams! Other than the odd technical glitch everything ran quite smoothly! I do apologise for speaking 'at' you! I wanted to make sure you heard everything you needed to hear in the time we had, so thank you for listening and sticking to the timing. If there is anything we didn't cover or if anything ever crops up, then feel free to let me know via email or catch me at the end of the day.

I have absolutely loved my first term with Jet class and I look forward to another fantastic term ahead!Take care and have a lovely weekend,Miss Green ðŸ™‚


W/C 5/10/20

This week in Jet Class, we have been busy continuing our topic 'Mysteries of Ancient Egypt'. We created a class story map of Howard Carter's great discovery, King Tutankhamun's tomb. In groups, we took freeze-frame pictures, representing significant moments of his excavation. Our maths this week also linked with our Egypt topic, as we were introduced to number pyramids and tried to solve them using inverse operations.During our guided reading this week, we have practised using pictures to develop our inference skills. Miss Green was very impressed with our ability to use evidence to support our answers.


W/C 26/09/20

This week in Jet Class, we have been continuing our poetry unit, based on Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky. We had a go at writing our own narrative poems that told the story of our class book, Varmints. In Maths, we impressed Miss Green with our addition and subtraction skills. We all remembered how to exchange/regroup when using column method!

In history, we continued our exploration of Ancient Egyptian artefacts. We discussed why sources of evidence are so important to help us discover more about life in ancient Egypt and defined the word 'significance'. We also developed our understanding of chronology by creating a timeline of ancient and modern history. We included some of the historical periods we learned about in previous year groups such as the Anglo-saxons and Victorians. This helped better our understanding of just how long ago Ancient Egyptians lived. 


W/C 21/09/20

We have had another brilliant week in Jet class! In English, we have been exploring narrative poetry, using Lewis Carroll's 'Jabberwocky' poem as our model. We had a go at making our own dictionaries based on the portmanteau he uses and created story-maps to tell the story of the Jabberwocky.

On Friday, we had a great time introducing ourselves to our new topic, The Mysteries of Ancient Egypt. During our WOW, we had a go at some hieroglyphics code breaking, explored and researched Ancient Egyptian artefacts loaned to us by Somerset Heritage and even had a go at mummifying apples!


W/C 07/09/20 and W/C 14/09/20

What a super start we have had to the new school year! Jet class have settled in brilliantly over these past two weeks and we have all been working hard to follow this term's core value, independence. This week, we have been using our class text, Varmints written by Helen Ward, to revise our English knowledge. We all drew some fantastic characters and settings  based on the book and wrote some great expanded noun phrases to accompany our pictures.In maths, we have been revising our knowledge of place value. Miss Green was very impressed with our understanding of number!

We ended the week with a place value hunt around the school field. It was great fun but also very tiring!Hello Parents and Children of Jet Class!I hope that you have all had a fantastic summer! I cannot wait to hear all about your last few months at home and I am extremely excited to get to know you all over the coming weeks. 

At school, all of the staff have been very busy preparing for your arrival. I understand that you may have mixed feelings about coming back to school, as it has been a quite a while since we saw you.  However, I am sure that once you have been back for a few days, you will feel more confident and ready for a great year!

Along with Emerald Class, you need to arrive at school between 8:40 and 8:50am each morning and make your way around the side of our building, entering the classroom through the fire exit.  I will be there to meet you.Make sure you get a good night sleep on Sunday, as I hope to see lots of happy, energetic faces on Monday morning!Miss Green